Travel Trailers: Why They're Worth Buying

Jun. 1 2023 Buying Guide By Register RV

As the summer months near, you might start thinking about getting your very own travel trailer for your soon-to-come road trips. Our professionals at Register RV Center understand the enthusiasm that you may be feeling right now, but as you may already know, it is also important to stop and refocus on the task ahead. This is because you want to know exactly why you want one in the first place. Read on to learn a few of the reasons why a travel trailer is worth buying.

Instant Convenience

Driving all the way from Brooksville, Tampa or Ocala, Florida, to a camping site can be quite the drive. Understandably, when you finally arrive at your sites, you usually want to take a dip in the water or simply cook a few hotdogs. However, it's likely that you first need to unload and set up a lot of your camping equipment. A lot of that is taken care of when you have your own trailer.

Relatively Low Maintenance Needed

Because a travel trailer doesn't need any motors or complicated plumbing, you're not going to need to conduct too much maintenance on it. As long as you keep the attachment areas cleaned and in working order, your travel trailer is likely to last you for years to come.


Looking to travel outside the Tampa, Florida, area but you're not ready to spend hundreds of thousands on a larger RV just yet? Travel trailer RVs are a great starting point for adventurers who want to hit the wide-open road but don't have a big budget. Additional cost savings will also be seen in the fuel that you're going to save from not having to fill up large tanks.

Greater Travel Flexibility

Although the larger RVs on the market are incredible vehicles to use for long road trips, they are usually not allowed within certain places due to their size. However, because some travel trailer RVs are the size of or a little bigger than the average SUV, your travel options open up that much more.

Big Insurance Savings

Having insurance on your travel trailer is highly recommended and often enforced by law. This might worry some owners; fortunately, you will usually find out that adding insurance on a travel trailer is actually quite affordable and not all at the level of the larger RVs on the market. The cost of insurance for a travel trailer is about $150-$500 per year.

If you're ready to take the plunge on a new or used travel trailer, make sure to visit our knowledgeable staff of Register RV Center located in Brooksville, Florida. Our team will be able to provide you with a detailed buying guide on a lot of our travel trailers. We'll also answer any questions or concerns you may have, and we welcome those from Tampa and Ocala, FL, as well.